Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 10, May 7 - Kharkiv rest day

Because my HC host Ivan is a night owl, I knew that I could have a leisurely morning playing around on the wireless internet. I had a little bit of SEP stuff to do (sadly, I failed) and a few more Hospitality Club hosts to set up (and of course F-booking). We headed downtown around 15.00h, met up with Oleg, and walked around the largest city square in Europe, Shevchenko park, and saw some nice churches, including one that baked delicious poppy seed breadlets for sale. Most importantly, we got a free pee-break at McDonald's!

On the way home, we stopped at the WWII Memorial Park where 30 thousand people (mostly civilians) were killed. Quite an impressive place - two large carved obelisks guard the long entrance way where a large Motherland statue remains perched, her beating heart adding rhythm to the surround classical music. We walked the last 1km home and then had yet another delicious borscht and breaded cutlet dinner! Chatted again for a little while and again feel asleep looking forward to (and a little apprehensive about) the next day's border crossing into Russia.

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