Woken up by the neighborhood dogs barking at 630h and unable to get sleep, I exited the tent with my book, put on the coffee and read the morning away. Others slowly followed and shared an instant noodle breakfast all round. Anja was the first to leave in the morning, but Will decided to stay around another day and let his cycling muscles heal a little bit more. After lunch, came back and finished off 'Moonfleet', and then started on a Jack London compendium.
This being my 100th day on the road, I decided to do the Baltika taste test that I had been remiss to complete in the previous century. I headed to the store and bought as many of the Baltika products as possible (missing #1,2,6, and 8 because they aren't imported in-country). The evening passed away slowly with northern visions, a homemade attempt at plov made palatable by a generous sprinkling of Tabasco sauce, and note-taking on the successes (and more often shortcomings) of the beer line up.
This being my 100th day on the road, I decided to do the Baltika taste test that I had been remiss to complete in the previous century. I headed to the store and bought as many of the Baltika products as possible (missing #1,2,6, and 8 because they aren't imported in-country). The evening passed away slowly with northern visions, a homemade attempt at plov made palatable by a generous sprinkling of Tabasco sauce, and note-taking on the successes (and more often shortcomings) of the beer line up.
i see cannabis behind the beer ;)