Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 97, August 2, Upper Karakol Valley - Lake Ala-Kol

0km - 5571km, rainy 22C, wind?, 0 shots, 0 Lenin, Camping

Woke up with glorious sunshine streaming down on our tents. Quickly set everything out to dry that had been wet for the past two days, and then made another large porridge breakfast. Packed up camp and were on the road by 930h. We weren't too sure which side of the river was the 'correct path', so we took the path on the left bank that stayed at constant elevation for 3km whilst the river plunged downward. Eventually reached a solid side valley too steep to navigate, and had to descend a very steep path, slippery wet with the previous night's deluge. Eventually reached the bottom of the hill and found the 'other path' - a drivable 4WD road. Headed down to the main valley camp (2500m) and were beset upon by the revenue collector who demanded 250 som/head. After finding out that he was, indeed, legit from a host of Lithuanians camped river-side, we paid up and quickly headed out of the camp having made no friends with the collector's axe-wielding comrades.

Our ascent up the next valley began with the need to ford a fairly deep river. Will immediately took off his shoes and began crossing the stream, which deepened to his crown jewels fairly quickly, almost knocking him (and my Ziploc-covered passport) into the raging torrent. Not wanting to repeat his performance (and having shorter legs), Anja and I scouted upstream and located the bridge. After sharing a few chuckles, we all headed to the trailhead having to play Frogger on a 300m of grass hillocks surrounded by marshy waters. We started to climb up and it became immediately obvious to me that I had tweaked my knee a little bit in the previous descent. Eventually made it up 500m to a small lake and downed one of Anja's few remaining aspirin at lunch. With the weather starting to head south, we decided that we would attempt the steep climb beside the waterfall located another 500m uphill.

Half-way up the weather closed in and started to snow pea-sized pellets on us trekkers. We eventually reached the crest, espied the encampment, and descended a little to the water's edge to set up our tents. A few minutes after arriving the weather cleared and sun filled the Lake Ala-Kol valley, showing off its azure blue glacier waters. We opened a few cans of sprats, added them to the noodlish concoction being simmered on the stove and had a fine meal watching the sun slowly disappear behind the neighboring peaks. Headed to bed finishing off 'A passage to India'.

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