0km - 5571km, rain and sun 18C, wind?, 0 shots, 1 Lenin, Camping
A few more people had straggled into the compound in the intervening hours, including an English cyclist, Will, coming from Croatia. We traded a few stories and realized that we had met a few cycling groups in common (the two Korean guys and the two Swiss gals). Settled down to cook a less-than-delicious noodle meal, and then split a few 1.5L bottles of Zhigilovsky beer (from Samara where I drank directly from the brewery!). Headed to bed fairly early to prepare for cycling the next day.
Woke up fairly late and had lunch with the Australian gal staying at the campsite. I was planning on jumping on my bike and riding up a valley to get a view of the mountains; however, by late morning the clouds had closed, with thunder echoing a warning of "do not ride!". Decided to stay put near the camp for the day and begin reading E.M. Forster's "A Passage to India", which I had rented at the nearby internet cafe for 20 cents per day. After finishing Part I, I headed out to grab lunch and do a little bit of blog-related typing. I picked up some groceries for dinner and went back to camp to finish Part II.
A few more people had straggled into the compound in the intervening hours, including an English cyclist, Will, coming from Croatia. We traded a few stories and realized that we had met a few cycling groups in common (the two Korean guys and the two Swiss gals). Settled down to cook a less-than-delicious noodle meal, and then split a few 1.5L bottles of Zhigilovsky beer (from Samara where I drank directly from the brewery!). Headed to bed fairly early to prepare for cycling the next day.
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