Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 96, August 1, 6km above Jeti Oguz - Upper Karakol Valley

0km - 5571km, rainy 22C, wind?, 0 shots, 0 Lenin, Camping

We all woke up around 630h with the sun creeping across the valley floor. While the other two headed down to get water, I started up the breakfast of porridge (we had generously allowed for 500g each morning for the three of us) and coffee/tea. Packed up camp by 830h and were on the road heading up to the Teleti pass some 1260m above our current 2500m elevation.
The morning's walk was pretty uneventful, with only one river crossing requiring the taking off of shoes and wading across the chilly mountain stream. Eventually, we reached a gorgeously green, open and wide valley.
We walked until lunch time at the base of the steep 700m climb up to the pass. After a quick repast of sausage, cheese, and bread, we headed uphill slowly gaining the elevation over some steep switchbacks. We reached the pass around 1530h after crossing a little bit of remaining July snow, and then began the descent into Karakol valley. The first 500m were over a snowy chute that Will decided to don his waterproofs and slide down. We others stuck to the sides and ran down the snowy embankment to the headwaters of the Karakol river.
We had some down a few kms before we noticed that a dark and sinister set of clouds were following us down the pass.

With thunder echoing in the distance, we raced down the valley, eventually reaching a passable camp spot at around 3200m. Setting up camp as quickly as possible, we all managed to dive inside our tents just as the clouds burst all around us. Quite a large storm with some pretty awesome winds and enveloping spouts of waters. Sadly, because of the major elevation gains/losses of the day (and the rapid, storm-induced change in air pressure), I was suffering from a solid headache . I took an Slovenian aspirin and, after scarfing down the proffered food, quickly passed out in the tent for the evening (impressively in the midst of the thunderstorm!).

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